New Private Dwelling, London

Site Sensitivities: Conservation Area / Restrictive Covenants

A small infill plot in the heart of the Crystal Palace conservation area where a previous owner had tried unsuccessfully for ten years to secure planning, with applications and appeals all being refused.

Shaw & Jaggers's pragmatic approach was to review the previous refusals and submit an extensive pre-application with several schemes to ascertain what the Council would be willing to accept. The proposal was passed by a delegated decision, demonstrating the collaborative approach taken to secure the approval.

Despite being initially advised in writing that no permission would be acceptable on this site, the argument for a small accessible house of passive design, for a local resident, was persuasive to the local planning department.

The house is built of London stock brick in simple contemporary design. With bronze anodised triple glazed windows and passive walls and roof and floor sections of 600 mm depth to achieve passive construction.

Status: On site


Replacement Dwelling, North Yorkshire


Renovation & Extension, North Yorkshire