Replacement Dwelling, York
Site Sensitivities: Green Belt / Conservation Area
Within sight of the river Ouse and adjacent to a Grade I listed building, the new family house adheres to the roof ridge height of its dilapidated predecessor but makes use of a single storey element to extend the living space into the site.
Constructed using brick and zinc this home has high levels of insulation and makes use of high-quality materials and finishes both inside and out.
The house was awarded the 2022 Yorkshire region LABC award for Best Individual New Home as well as Best Residential (Single Dwelling) at the 2023 York Design Awards. The YDA judging panel commented that the house “has a clarity of form and detail which modulates dramatic changes of scale. The striking design is expressed particularly in response to setting and views, and lends the house a glamorous filmic quality.”
Status: Completed 2022