p84 House - Northampton

Site Sensitivities: Countryside

In June 2022, working in collaboration with Hughes Planning, we secured planning approval via delegated powers for a paragraph 84 house in the countryside on the outskirts of a village near Northampton.

The house is designed as a creative interpretation of the local vernacular, drawing on detailed research into the site and surrounding areas. The local building form and material typology were incorporated into the proposed scheme along with alignment cues taken from outward views, the geological buildup of the site and the ecology and insular feel of the existing tree-lined plot. This, in combination with the client’s brief, resulted in an upsidedown house with a cranked plan that related to both the road and views across the surroundings. The layout maximises natural daylight and creates a diverse range of indoor and outdoor spaces. The house is designed for multi-generational living and was conceived during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In granting planning permission, the LPA (West Northamptonshire Council) concluded that the proposal met the stringent tests set out in paragraph 84 insofar as the design is considered to be of exceptional quality, reflecting the highest standards in architecture and positively enhancing and contributing to the immediate and wider setting.

Status: Planning Approved in 2022


p.84 House - Bedfordshire


p.84 House - West Lancashire