New Build Country House, Lancashire

Work is progressing well on the construction of this new country house. The roof tiling is nearing completion with the first of the lead roll sections to the ridge going in place today. The interior first fix plumbing and electrical is practically complete, with the internal joinery coming together in the workshop. A large number of rooms have now been plastered and nearly all the ceilings are completed, the pool ceiling is even painted. The scaffolding in the pool has been dropped ready for the pool to be cleaned out in preparation for the laying of the coping stones and floor tiles to commence next week. External to the building the lead rainwater pipes and hoppers are being fitted and look fantastic. The first of the eagerly awaited windows to the main house (pool already completed and looking fabulous) are to go in next week two, which means we will see the scaffold start to drop and the house emerge.



We recenlty recieved photographs of progress on Rosslyn. This new build dwelling is being constructed as a self build project within Green Belt land outside Liverpool.

The house is constructed with 170mm Structurally instulated panels to speed up the early stages of construction and provide a high level of thermal performance. The house is heated by a groundsource heat pump that provides heat from boreholes in the garden to the underfloor heating system. Large areas of glazing are used on both sides of the living area to maximise daylight and connect the internal and external spaces.

It looks like the clients are doing a great job and we hope to see further progress pictures as the rendering process is now underway.

Keep up the good work!