Shaw and Jagger Shaw and Jagger

Lingholm Boathouse, Derwentwater

We had perfect weather for this months site visit to the new boathouse construction site at the Lingholm Estate. 

Upon arrival the concrete reinforcement was all complete atop the piling mat and pile heads, and was waiting for the concrete slab pour in the early afternoon once the sun had moved behind the trees and cast some shade over the site. Despite having a tricky access arrangement the pour went smoothly with the assistance of a 20m truck mounted concrete pump. Six mixers later and the pour was complete and levelled off.

We cant wait to see the building move forward from this point with the base walls being completed in the coming weeks. The steel frame is currently in production and is due to arrive on site in just under a month, and we are currently working with the window and classing suppliers to follow suit. The next few weeks and months will be very exciting for this project.

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Shaw and Jagger Shaw and Jagger

Lingholm Cafe

The foundations for the cafe building are now completed ahead of the steel portal frame arriving on site last week. This went up with some speed and now the form of the building is clearly visable along with the opening for the long ridge rooflight. The building will overlook the traditional walled garden that is being reinstated with the help of a specialist and the head gardener. We can’t wait to see further progress next month!

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Shaw and Jagger Shaw and Jagger

Lingholm Estate


We made a visit to the Lingholm Estate on Thursday of last week for a design review meeting about the boathouse, site meeting about the cafe construction that is due to start in the next few weeks and a general catch up on the progress of the estate.

The main house is now mostly complete with the works to the roof finished (and mighty impressive) along with the repaired and re-glazed stone room window and the completion of the estate office.

We were fortunate enough to have a sunny day for the visit too which made it all the more better.

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